If you find that you need to remove a user from a company card without removing them from your organization, you can easily do so from your admin profile. This allows you to control which cards users can see and share, so if you go through a rebranding or if the user is moved to a new department, you won't need to worry about them accidentally using an out-of-date digital business card.
To remove a user from a card:
- Log into your account on the HiHello web app.
- Go to your admin profile.
- Navigate to the Cards page:
- Select the card you would like to adjust.
- Scroll down to the Users section, where you can see a list of every user who has claimed the card:
- If you would simply like to adjust the users permissions without removing them from the card, you can use the drop-down menu:
- "Can edit" status allows the user to edit any items on the card that have not been restricted by the admin. You can read more about using templates to restrict specific items here:
Enabling and Restricting Items on a Template - "Can share" status prevents the user from editing any items on the card.
- "Can edit" status allows the user to edit any items on the card that have not been restricted by the admin. You can read more about using templates to restrict specific items here:
- To remove a user from a card completely, click the three dot menu to the right of the user.
- If the user is active, you can remove them from the card:
- If the user has been invited, you can cancel the invitation:
If you would like to invite a different user to claim this card or issue other cards to the user who was recently removed, you can refer to this guide:
How to Invite Your Team to Claim a Card
You can also remove the user from your account entirely following these steps:
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