If you would like to create a copy of one of your cards, you can duplicate it within your account. This allows you to quickly and easily create a new card and only update specific fields rather than creating a blank new card. You can do this on mobile or on a computer:
- How to Duplicate a Digital Business Card on Mobile
- How to Duplicate a Digital Business Card on a Computer
Please note: Business and Enterprise users will only be able to copy cards they create themselves. If you need a copy of a card that was created and issued by your company, please contact your account administrator. |
How to Duplicate a Digital Business Card on Mobile
We have a video tutorial about duplicating your card in the HiHello mobile app. We have also included detailed written instructions explaining this process below, for your convenience.
To duplicate a card on your mobile device:
- Log in on Mobile
- Go to your Cards page
- Tap the card you want to duplicate
- Tap the card menu button represented by three dots in the upper right corner
- Tap the Duplicate button:
- This will create a new card that is an exact copy of the original card
- Edit the card as needed
- Save your card
How to Duplicate a Digital Business Card on a Computer
Here is a video overview of how to duplicate a card on your computer. If you'd like to read detailed instructions about duplicating a card, they are included below the video.
To duplicate a card on your computer, first, log into the web app:
- Log in on Your Computer
- Go to your Cards page
- Click the card you want to duplicate
- Click the Duplicate button:
- This will create a new card that is an exact copy of the original card
- Edit the card as needed
- Save your card