If you created a card in your account and want to keep it, but no longer want it to be active, you can pause it. When a card is paused, you will still see it in your account, however, it cannot be sent to anyone. This can be a great way to keep a record of your previous card after you create a new one. You can also unpause the card at any time.
Please note: Business and Enterprise users who do not see the option to pause a card in their account will need to contact their account administrator for assistance. |
Pausing and Unpausing a Card on a Computer
To pause a card on your computer:
- Log into the HiHello web app
- Go to your Cards page
- Select the card you want to pause
- Navigate to the card settings tab:
- Scroll down and use the toggle to pause the card
To unpause your card, follow the same steps as above and use the toggle to return your card to active status.
Pausing and Unpausing a Card on Mobile
To pause your card in the HiHello mobile app:
- Log into the HiHello mobile app
- Go to your Cards page
- Tap the card you want to pause
- Tap the card menu button in the top right represented by three dots
- Tap Settings
- Use the toggle in the card settings to pause the card:
To unpause your card, follow the same steps as above and use the toggle to return your card to active status.
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