When you are ready to remove a card from your account, you can delete it from your Cards page.
Please note that deleting a card is permanent and cannot be undone.
If you delete a card in the organization profile of a HiHello Business or HiHello Enterprise account, it will not remove any users from your account. If you would like to remove a user, please view this guide: How to Add or Remove a User From Your Plan |
Deleting a Card on a Computer
We have a video that demonstrates how to delete your card in the HiHello web app. If you would prefer to read written directions, scroll down - they are included below the video.
To delete a card on your computer:
- Log into the HiHello web app
- Go to your Cards page
- Select the card you want to delete
- Navigate to the card settings tab:
- Scroll down and select Delete Card
- Confirm if you want to delete the card
Deleting a Card on Mobile
To delete your card in the HiHello mobile app:
- Log into the HiHello mobile app
- Go to your Cards page
- Tap the card you want to delete
- Tap the card menu button in the top right represented by three dots
- Tap the delete button:
- In the window that opens, tap Yes to confirm that you want to delete the card
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