With any HiHello account, we offer single sign-on (SSO) options so that you can log into the HiHello app quickly and securely. We currently offer SSO login options through:
- Apple
- Microsoft
To log into the HiHello app using one of the offered SSO integrations, simply click on your SSO of choice on the HiHello login page.
With an Enterprise subscription, you can restrict the login options. For example, you can choose to restrict the login options for your team to only include Microsoft SSO and your team will all login using a consistent method.
If you would like to speak to our team about restricting the login options for your team, please contact your Customer Success Manager directly or send an email to success@hihello.com.
You can also contact our Customer Success team through the HiHello app:
- On the mobile app, go to your Settings page, scroll down, and tap Contact Support.
- On the web app, click the contact support button in the left side panel.