After you have created your account and claimed your company card, you can use your card to network smarter. These resources can help you finish setting up your account and start sharing your HiHello card with everyone.
You can get to know HiHello here:
To network with your new digital business card, you can share it directly or use it to create email signatures and virtual backgrounds:
- Sharing Your Digital Business Card
- How to Receive a HiHello Card and Save the Contact Details
- Create a HiHello Email Signature
- Create a Virtual Background With HiHello
As you network and make connections, you'll add contacts to your HiHello Business Contact Manager:
You may want to use your QR code on marketing materials, you can easily download it to print or upload to any platform:
Do you want to know how your digital business card is performing? Find out by checking out your card analytics:
You can also use the search bar on our Help Center's homepage or our YouTube channel to learn more about HiHello: